About Us

Interior Design Declares is a network of interior design practices, suppliers of goods & services to our industry and educational establishments committed to addressing the climate and biodiversity emergency.

The Architect's Declares declaration by architects Steve Tompkins and Michael Pawlyn was launched on 30 May 2019 by the then 17 UK recipients of the Stirling Prize. It quickly attracted hundreds of other architectural practices from across the UK, and developed into the wider banner of ‘Built Environment Declares’, and since March 2021 has included Interior Design Declares. Built Environment Declares has now spread to more than 28 different countries, with over 7,000 signatories, and has been adopted by other built environment disciplines that have signed up to variations on the original 11-point declaration.

As with Architects Declares, Interior Design Declares is about encouragement, with every signatory organisation expected to self-govern its progress toward achieving the commitments it has made. On the basis that no single signatory is currently meeting every part of the radical commitment to change, a firm ‘no public blame and shame’ policy is in place.

Steering Group

Current Steering Group Members

We thank all past Steering Group members:

Why Declare?

Support Us

As a volunteer-led programme we welcome donations to make our work possible. We invite all our signatories to support our programme and running costs with a suggested annual contribution of £50 for each signatory. Our ability to act together is greatly enhanced by whatever signatories can commit to.

Donations will enable us to continue running - for example - covering administration, social media and website expenses.

You needn’t be a signatory to Interior Design Declares - we welcome all donations.

Interior Design Declares
Sort code: 040605 Tide online bank
Account number: 15531893

We are grateful to the following signatories who have supported Interior Design Declares with a financial contribution (this list will be updated regularly):

Absolute Project Management * Argile * Beautiful Healthy Home * Bridie James * Designed By Woulfe * Elemental Studio * Freeman Studio Ltd * Haines Collection Ltd * Helen Bainbridge Interior Design * Heritage Park Interiors * Kite Creative * Materialise Interiors * MCM * Natalie Bour * Nicola Holden Designs * Oliver Heath Design * Persona Abode Interiors * Rosey Treherne Pollock Interiors * Sirkel Consulting * Spark & Bell * Studio Suss * Susanne Conway * Tania Johnson Design * Woodalls Design * Zelah Designs


UK Interior Design Declares email: [email protected]

For up to date news, follow us on:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/interiordesigndeclares/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/interior-design-declares-uk

Twitter: https://twitter.com/IDdeclares


 Interior Design Declares newsletter

Signatories automatically receive the Interior Design Declares newsletter if they have selected that option on signing the declaration. If you wish to receive your own copy of the newsletter, please use this form to register.