UK Interior Design Declares Climate & Biodiversity Emergency

The twin crises of climate breakdown and biodiversity loss are the most serious issue of our time. Buildings and construction play a major part, accounting for nearly 40% of energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions whilst also having a significant impact on our natural habitats.

For everyone working in the design and construction industry, meeting the needs of our society without breaching the earth’s ecological boundaries will demand a paradigm shift in our behaviour. Together with our clients, we will need to commission and design spaces within buildings as indivisible components of a larger, constantly regenerating and self-sustaining system.

The research and technology exist for us to begin that transformation now, but what has been lacking is collective will. Recognising this, we are committing to strengthen our working practices to design spaces with a more positive impact on the world around us.

We will seek to:


Founding signatories:

Absolute Project Management, Designed by Woulfe, Elemental Studio, Helen Bainbridge Interior Design, Materialise Interiors, MCM , Oliver Heath Design, Persona Abode Interiors, Studio Suss.

We hope that everyone involved in the UK interior design industry will join us in making this commitment.


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2050 Materials AAID Allen Architecture Interiors Design Abbi Greenland Absolute Project Management AdesignStorie Agency of Architecture Align Design and Architecture Allwina AND FURNITURE Ann. Cope Interior Design AnnaMoller.Design ANTA Scotland Anurati Tandon Appleby Interiors ARGILE Armourcoat Surface Finishes Aro Studio Arts University Bournemouth (BA(Hons) Interior Architecture and Design) Arts University Plymouth Assis Interiors By Isobel L James Astman Taylor Atelier Como Aurelien Farjon avalon design Bailey Partnership (Consultants) Llp Basha-Franklin Bauldry Botanicals BCFA Be-kin Bean Interiors Beautiful by George Beautiful Healthy Home BellaBe Design Consultancy Ltd Benchmark Blue Feather Designs Blue Patch Boaz Studio Bocchetta Interiors Boreal Kitchens Born Designers Bullfinch Interiors By Hedayat Caitlin Miller Interiors Cape & Dantzig Cardiff School of Art & Design - Cardiff Metropolitan University Casey & Fox Catherine Borse Design Chaline Tamrin Church Chambré & Cie Charlotte Findlater Chris Murphy Design Cobalt Collective Interiors Colour Me KT CommonRoom consider it design Coral Interiors Cornish Interiors Cradle to Circular Design Consultancy Custom Fronts Ltd De Le Cuona Decibel Designs Delyth Upholstery Design & Living Design First Design Insider Design Work Studios Designed by Woulfe Dodds and Shute DouglasJane Studio Drawing Room Interiors ech2o consultants Edge architecture + design Edward Bulmer Natural Paint EFG European Furniture Group UK Eko Studio Elemental Studio Elina Grigoriou Elisa Bespoke Interiors Elixir Interior Design Ella Doran Design Ellipse Design Studio Embellishments Emmanuelle Sirven Ltd Eve Waldron Design Felicity White Fiona Andrews Interiors Fiona Watkins Firstplanit Flair Studio Flooring by Nature Floorsauce Forma 79 Interior Design Forme UK Design & Architecture Forster Inc Frankie Catherine Free Birds Interior Design Studio Ltd Freeman Studio FreeSpace Design FreeSpace Design Fresh Traditions Full Grown G Johns & Sons GA Interiors Gail Race Goldfinger Graphenstone Grigoriou Interiors Gringley Bespoke Groni Ecological Decorators Habitarmonia Haines Collection Hannah Redden Interiors Harford House Harleen McLean Interiors Harriet Forde Design Hart Miller Design Havwoods Haysey Design & Consultancy Healing Buildings Helen Bainbridge Interior Design Helen Green Design Heliotrope Design Limited Her Own Space Heritage Park Interiors Holistic Interiors Limited Hotel Interiors Experience (HIX) Humanscale iDEA ig. design & interiors Imagery Creative Studios Interior Style Studio Interior105 Intra Interiors IOR Group IVY studios J Cavaree Interiors Jacaranda Carpets & Rugs Jackson Downes Jane Lee Interiors JDD Furniture je ne sais quoi Jennifer Manners Design Jess Lavers Design Jill Scholes Interior Design John Cullen Lighting Jott Studio Journal of Biophilic Design JPA Workspaces Julia McLearon Kai Interiors KATE LOUDOUN SHAND Kate Lovejoy KEMSI Kendell + Co KINDLY Kinkatou Studio KITMILES KLC School of Design Kvadrat A/S LANDE Design Studio Lawson Robb LD Seating Leila Rossi Interior Design Lesley Batchelor Interior Design Ltd LHC Design Lisa Lewis Interior Design London & Avalon Lorna Smith Interiors LSP-DESIGN STUDIO LTD Lucy Bunhill Lucy Carruthers Lyndall Kathleen Fernie M1NT Studio MA Architecture Madder Cutch and Co Maison August Material Bank Materialise Interiors Maven Design Studio MCM Millen Homes Ltd Milu Architecture Mindful Wealth Mitchell Rose Design Modus Mon Interiors Mood Interiors Muchmore Design Multi Story Thinking Natalie Bourne Design National Green Specification Naturalmat Naturesave Insurance Nested Living Nicholls and Clarke Nicla D. Interiors Nicola Holden Designs Niki Schäfer Interior Design Nina Marenzi NU Design Spaces Object Space Place OCCA Design Studio OCHRE ODARTLTD Oktra Oliver Heath Design One The Square ORN Furniture Paula Davie Design Penman Interiors Persona Abode Interiors Petina Julius Interiors Design Pfeiffer Design Planted. Polly Bayliss Design Pomily Potent Sapiens by Design Quay studio Quiet Mark Rachel Carroll Rachel Fowler Rapture & Wright Rascal & Roses Reformation Studio Reloved Interiors Retrouvius Design Riches Interiors Rigby & Rigby Roca UK Roddy Clarke Roman Rosey Treherne Pollock Interiors Run For The Hills Ruth Turner Interior Design Salt and Pegram Salvedge Sarah Ciel Sarah Pritchard SCENE SEA Design Group Searance Shiv Textiles Sibley Grove Simon Hamilton Siobhan Loates Interiors Sirimiri Sirkel Consulting Snug Home Design Soul Spaces Spacecraft Spark & Bell Steer Design Stickland Wright Storigraphic Storylines Interior Design Studio 12 Designs Studio Augustine Studio DouglasJane Studio Kalina Studio L, London Studio Lawson Studio pont Studio Ribeiro Studio SK STUDIO SONA Studio Stone Studio Suss Stylemongers Of Bristol Suna Interior Design Susan Van Meter Interiors Sustainable Design Collective Sustique Limited SVM Interiors Swatchbox Tala Energy Limited TAMART Tania Johnson Design Teer & Co Tessuto Interiors thatssocool The Daily Design Bespoke Kitchens & Interiors The Healthy Home Therapist The Interior Design School The Lindhurst Group The Open Plan - Interior Design The place between The Property Presenters The Vawdrey House These White Walls thinkFOUND Tigermoth Lighting Titmas Interiors Tomas & Jani Tracy Sifaoui Design Trifle* Trove Interiors Tŷ Syml University of Wolverhampton UNPAGED studios Untold Interiors Upcircle Utility Velvet Orange Design Verano Interiors Vestre Vinterior Volume Creative W8 Build Ltd WDC Creative Webb & Gray Wellness Interiors Ltd West & Reid Wilde + Co Interiors Woodalls Design wudl Yellow Yellow Brick Road Design Yoko Kloeden Design Zelah Studio Zero Kitchens Zetta scope interiors